Orion As Private Investor
Investing as a Principal
Orion will act as a principal by directly investing its funds to support acquisitions, growth, and recapitalization.
Investment Approach Our investment approach involves:
• A middle-market manufacturing, distribution or service company.
• An investment in companies that have annual cash flow of $2,000,000 to $4,000,000.
• A flexible financing structure. Investments may be in the form of pure equity, subordinated debt or redeemable preferred stock, or secured bridge loans as requirements dictate.
Investment Philosophy Our investment philosophy involves:
• A preference to invest with a management group that is presently running the company, but will also consider the acquisition of companies by management with recent and relevant industry experience.
• No requirement for a controlling equity position.
• A goal to grow the company profitably and remain an investor until the management/co-owner wants to divest.